Live and Direct

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Celebrity boxing

Sara just called from the States, and it was great to hear her voice again. Her call woke me up in the middle of the weirdest dream, though. I can't remember all of it, but basically I was confronting a group of men who were sitting in some sort of a jury box. Evidently, they had been talking trash about me while I wasn't around, so I had arrived to call them out, to see if any of them had the sand to say it to my face.

Well, one of them did have the sand. It was Clint Eastwood. He got up out of his chair and came down to face me and we prepared to throwdown. I felt a little weird about fighting an old man, since this was Million Dollar Baby Eastwood, not Every Which Way But Loose Eastwood. On the other hand, I was pretty sure he was going to kick my ass anyway. When Sara's call woke me up, for a split second in the midst of waking up, I thought that must be him calling to schedule a bout.

As I don't regularly recall dreams, I'm kind of fascinated by this rich fantasy life that exists beneath the lid of my consciousness. I'm also a little concerned that subconsciously, I seem to devote a lot of time to thinking about celebrities.


  • That is hillarious. Poor Million Dollar Baby Clint. Thank goodness you got your head together before you called Million Dollar Sara to task.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:42 PM  

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