Live and Direct

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Celebrity dreams

Sara and I are back from London, and I'll give an update on that tomorrow with pictures, but as a brief note on strange things, I've had two dreams about celebrities in the last two nights.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was at a dinner among friends and looked over to realize I was sitting next to Winonda Ryder. She was complaining about the downturn in her career after her highly public shoplifting trial. Over the course of dinner, I tried to convince her that I could turn her career around if she would make me the producer of her next film. I was particularly trying to convince her about all my connections to brilliant Scandinavian directors looking to make their Hollywood crossover that would be interested in working with her. I woke up rehearsing in my mind which directors seem to be currently between projects.

The second dream, which I will describe in less detail as this is a family-oriented blog, involved me having a sexual encounter with Annie Lennox behind stage at one of her concerts. It must have been a younger version of myself, as I was noticeably less pudgy around the middle.

It's weird that I would dream about those two celebrities in particular, as I haven't thought of them in quite some time, at least that I'm aware of.


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