Live and Direct

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Easter holiday

Denmark pretty much shuts down for the week surrounding Easter. I find this utterly hilarious, as Denmark is also one of the most unreligious nations in the world. Most Danes will go to church exactly three times in their life: christening, wedding, and their own funeral. I think there's also the equivalent of first communion in there somewhere, but not everybody does that, either. So meanwhile, the cable guy can't come fix my internet connection at home because of this all important religious holiday, which he'll likely celebrate in the very same way that I, a firm atheist, will celebrate it: by watching some television, drinking a few beers, and maybe going for a trip to the countryside. I shouldn't complain, I know. I won't have to teach for over a week. But still, I love the idea that Danes even have religious holidays. I mean, who do they think they're fooling?


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