As a nice postscript to my last post, I can report that one of my colleagues just told me that my work is based on 'kiddie culture,' and that I should work on driving my students out of my classes so they can return to 'real culture.' She also called me the enemy. On the whole, I thought the conversation went quite well.
Off to study more kiddie culture.
Off to study more kiddie culture.
Oh, so YOU'RE the enemy? I was wondering who it was. Kind of Catchy: "Trevor! . . . the enemy of stodgy, boring, entertainment-free 'real culture.'"
Tin Foil Hat, at 3:02 PM
On a lighter note . . . I guess it's not true that everybody loves Magical Trevor :) For your next presentation, try disappearing a cow (or your colleague).
Tin Foil Hat, at 3:07 PM
The conversation was truly bizarre. I'm still in my 'shucks, I'm just happy to be here' phase , so I'm trying to be awfully nice to everybody. We're talking, and we're smiling and laughing, and then she proceeds to say some of the most offensive things one scholar can say to another. I made some vague comment about not agreeing and quickly made my exit, but by the time I got back to my office, I was furious. And then I thought about the context and the general nature of academic types, and I pretty much let it all go.
But putting that aside, right now, I'm still going to give the Danes about a 4 on the politeness scale right now. In past years, I would have rated them much higher. I don't know if they collectively got a lot ruder in the last few years since I was here, or if I'm either seeing things through fresh eyes because Sara's here or maybe I'm just a lot more crochety with age, but the Danes kind of piss me off sometimes. They refuse to stand in line for anything, so getting on the bus or the metro is one big shoulder-throwing crush for the door. Service industry people generally look at you like you're some sort of inconvenience. We went out for brunch with some friends a few weekends ago, and they had wanted to take us to one of the their favorite places. When we got there, we were told they weren't opening until noon, while the sign right next to the girl's head said they open at 11:30am. We were also told that they were going to be very busy today, so we should come back later, but be sure to show up early so that we could get in. Uh, if they're opening at noon, and it's 11:30 now, wouldn't that qualify as early? The upshot is that we were told they were to busy to accept our money, as we stood staring into a _completely empty restaurant_.
So right now, I'm ranking them just above the French, but that's only because I've actually had French people openly insult me because I speak French with an accent. A few years back, a middle-age matronly type told me and my friends we were speaking like 'little pigs' because we were talking to each other in English. You've just got to love that.
And the Danes tend not to have any public restrooms, so that's definitely some negative points there.
'Enemy of real culture.'
Anonymous, at 12:02 AM
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