Top Ten
Top Ten Things I Miss from the States
10. Refried Beans
9. Good bottled spaghetti sauce
8. Amoeba Music in Los Angeles
7. My car (which is still for sale if you're interested)
6. Trader Joes
5. Cheap beer at cool indie rock clubs and/or dive bars
4. Feeling like a game development bigshot
3. Feeling like I know what the hell is going on or that things generally make sense
2. Affordable sushi
1. Our friends and family
Top Ten Things I Don't Miss from the States
10. Texas
9. Boring architecture
8. American anti-intellectualism
7. Insert snotty Euro-arrogant superiority comment here
6. Working a 50-60 hour work week
5. The American healthcare system
4. Having to drive to get anywhere
3. Traffic and commuting
2. The American neoconservative political machine
1. President Bush
Top Ten Things Gained by Moving to Denmark
10. The smugness of being an American expatriate
9. The reality check of transitioning from making million-dollar development decisions to being required to limit my photocopying expenses (See Top 10 things missed, #4)
8. The opportunity to practice my Danish language skills
7. My own office
6. Absurdist Danish subtitles on American sitcoms
5. No set schedule
4. Danish pastries and good, fresh bread
3. Bike paths and bicycle commutes
2. Research sabbaticals
1. More time with Sara
10. Refried Beans
9. Good bottled spaghetti sauce
8. Amoeba Music in Los Angeles
7. My car (which is still for sale if you're interested)
6. Trader Joes
5. Cheap beer at cool indie rock clubs and/or dive bars
4. Feeling like a game development bigshot
3. Feeling like I know what the hell is going on or that things generally make sense
2. Affordable sushi
1. Our friends and family
Top Ten Things I Don't Miss from the States
10. Texas
9. Boring architecture
8. American anti-intellectualism
7. Insert snotty Euro-arrogant superiority comment here
6. Working a 50-60 hour work week
5. The American healthcare system
4. Having to drive to get anywhere
3. Traffic and commuting
2. The American neoconservative political machine
1. President Bush
Top Ten Things Gained by Moving to Denmark
10. The smugness of being an American expatriate
9. The reality check of transitioning from making million-dollar development decisions to being required to limit my photocopying expenses (See Top 10 things missed, #4)
8. The opportunity to practice my Danish language skills
7. My own office
6. Absurdist Danish subtitles on American sitcoms
5. No set schedule
4. Danish pastries and good, fresh bread
3. Bike paths and bicycle commutes
2. Research sabbaticals
1. More time with Sara
Wha? They don't have refried beans in Denmark? :o
By gapey, at 8:21 AM
Nope. At least, not that we've found. I think some of the restaurants make their own or have some sort of special supplier, but we've yet to find them in the store. They haven't quite figured out Mexican food over here.
By L&D, at 9:33 AM
If you can find pinto beans, you can make em yourself, at least I think that's what kind of bean you use, not 100% positive on that. My mom used to make em all the time. I don't think I could live without refried beans I eat them a lot. I usualy buy the cans though.
By gapey, at 6:08 AM
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